"One of the favorite New England fiddlers playing today. Drawing with exquisite good taste from the traditional music of Cape Breton, Quebec, Scotland, England, Ireland and Shetland, George is in demand wherever the best dance music is desired. His wonderful respect for the strong, deep heart of the New England traditions are enhanced by his whopping sense of humor!" -Warren Argo, Festival of American Fiddle Tunes, Port Townsend, WA
"I didn't know you could do that with a jig!" -Karen Iglitzin, violinist, fiddler and violin teacher, Washington State
" I couldn't do what you do in a million years!" - Ed Ormond, former assistant principal violist, Cleveland Orchestra
"The best Leadbelly player I ever heard anywhere!" - Michael Cooney, veteran folk singer
"Wilson never ceases to amaze musically on fiddle and 12-string guitar, and he seems particularly at home singing the songs—and playing the role—of early Grand Ole Opry star Dave Macon, who combined sympathy for the lot of the common man with an overriding belief in laughter." - Mark Frost, The Chronicle, Glens Falls, NY
George has performed
and recorded with the popular “Fennig's All-Star String Band”,
featuring Bill Spence on hammered dulcimer, since 1975. He has performed
and recorded with the “Whippersnappers” (Wilson, Peter Davis
and Frank Orsini) since 1976. He plays at contradances, festivals and
dance camps on both coasts and in between with Selma Kaplan, Groovemama, the Beaudoin Legacy, Bruce and Sue Rosen
and more. Additionally he performs with the trio Peter, Paul & George (with Peter Davis and Paul Rosenberg), presenting hundreds of dance and music programs in “Homespun Community Dancing” in elementary, middle school and high schools.